My name is Nali and I am a PARISite

I have officially decided I am moving to Paris. Being the fashion queen and hands down most gorgeous poupée on this side of the continent is awfully difficult. Canada is getting kind of dull for a city girl like me. I am tired of studying and video making and listening to my sisters chatter happily all the time. I don't belong in some silly public school district, I belong in a private modeling academy! Why does nobody realize my potential? I wish I was given a chance to strut the runway in Milan or Paris or London and just show the world how fabulous I am.... My mom says its a silly idea to move to Paris. Apparently there is not much of a demand for 18 inch tall models. I think that is just stupid. I could be a REVOLUTION in modeling! I mean, a miniture model strutting down a glassy runway surrounded by glamorous giants and flashing lights... sounds like an eye catching show to me. If Calvin Klein and Louis Vitton don't give me a job offer the moment I step of the plane to Paris, I must say I will be surprised. I am so much more confident and interesting than their other models. I would steal the show. 

I explained this brilliant idea to my sisters, but only Felicity thinks its a good idea. This is rather disconcerting because she is a bit loopy and unreliable and I don't trust anything she says. Samantha, who I consider to be the smartest member of the family, told me that it was a bad idea. She says that I will be lonely if I move to Paris. I guess that is kind of true. My mom does not want me to move either, because she needs me for her videos and would miss me if I jetted off to the other side of the world. 

The truth is, I would miss my family if I moved to Paris. They are really important to me, even more important than my modeling career. So I guess I am staying here in Canada for now. Still, someday, I want to travel to that amazing city and show the world what makes me so fabulous. -Nali 


  1. Oh my gosh Anna! So funny! Tell Nali that if she wants to move to Paris I will come with her :) " Felicity is a loop headed idiot" LOL come check out my blog. I want to know how to make mine like yours. later
    Sophia- Puddingsts

  2. Hi Nali! Paris is a beautiful city! Personally, I've always wanted to live in a rural setting. What about fashion designing instead of modeling? Maybe Anna could even help you sew some of your designs!

    Reese <3

  3. Why don't you start small and move where Liberty jane clothing lives and model for her. You would be great! :)

  4. So CUTE!!!! Loved it! Great story- Nali!

  5. Hahah that was so funny ! :D I support Nali (;

  6. That was amazing!!! I love where she said "There is not much of a demand for 18 inch models!!!" So adorable Great story! You inspired me to play with my American Girl Dolls a lot and make stop motions. You go Nali!!!

  7. LOL I love that.I have to agree with Anna in saying that I wouldn't want my doll to move away. And Felicity?! A Loop-headed idiot?! I like laughed SO hard there!

  8. Hey that was probably one of the funniest doll stories ever! You go Nali! A loop-headed idiot????? Hilarious. I love your youtube and everything!!! Its so cool. You should make a stopmotion of this and call it "Nali's Big Move" but make her stay at the end! That would be really funny!
    -AG Doll Lover

  9. A loop-headed idiot? Oh, Nali. You should make an AGSM to this! That would be like 2 awesome things in one!
    ~Isabella (samanthaandnellie1)

    A message from Ruthie:
    Nali, I think it's a great idea to move to Paris. I would go with you!

  10. why would nali wanna be there? I mean, nali doesn't know french.

  11. Hey Nali :)
    I think it would be a great idea to go to paris because:
    1. Paris is a beautiful city with lots of landmarks and such
    2. Paris is where models live and you'd be a great model
    3. French people speak french, so learn french 1st. Kay?
    If you go, send me some pics!
    Bye Nali, Bye Anna!

  12. at first i thought it was basilmentos talking so im just like umm what r u talking about when i realized how stupid i was i laughed like a hyena

  13. Oh, Nali! You know, my sister, Lydia, has always wanted to move to Paris too! You would make an amazing model!
    Check out my blog if you would like. <3<3 McKenna

  14. check out cutest blog on the block and their free cute blog backgrounds! i think u will luv it:)

  15. I wanna go with youu, My real Cousin lives in paris il tell her to meet you, Im in modeling foreal and who cares if ur lonley if Felicty is a Loop-Headed Idoit Snap her up with you, she Might not notice it.

  16. Hi!
    I love your site! i am a subscriber on youtube! How do you make your custom page bar thingy at the top of the page? please respond!!!

  17. Im ur subber on utube

  18. oh nali, i just love paris! if you saw my room you would think: hey katie loves paris! And: man, this room is a mess!

  19. That will be so fun !!! You will be just the best model ever!! I will miss you alot! My dream is to go to paris

  20. Don't go nali! youtube would miss u :( but, I have to say that is a good idea...

  21. You would be a good model, Nali. You have so much confidence! But all your fans here would miss you so much! You should just start a fashion institute right here, where you can come up with your own things to model. You already have fans here, why move away to get new ones? But good luck with your fashion career! :)


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