Filming in a VERY public place

Today I filmed a stopmotion in a public park.
When I started, I figured I was going to regret it. There were people everywhere, strolling around in huge crowds, lying on the grass, taking photos, eating lunch and exploring the area. I hid my doll in a big grocery bag, and I kept her tight to my side. I desperatley wanted to film, but I was just too scared. There were so many people around me, and the whole park was wide open, with no secluded place to film. I wandered farther and farther into the park, through the gardens and as far back on the edge as I could. Even in the far reaches, there were hoards of people strolling around. No matter where I went, people would be able to see me. I took a deep breath. I took out my tripod, my camera and my doll.... and I began to film.
People stared. There is no question about it. Every time a crowd walked by, they would slow down- sometimes even taking pictures of me and asking me questions. A few little girls recognized my american girl doll and ran to tell their moms. (surprising, considering that all of this took place in Canada, where american girl dolls are not sold, and I would expect very few people to know about AG.) A little old lady asked to take pictures of my doll, and so we did a little photoshoot together. I caught a twenty-something year old guy taking a video of me with his phone, but I didnt do anything. It would be even more embarassing to confront him about filming me. A few middle aged men stopped to share their expertise on stopmotion. One of them even went on to grab his wife and let her have a look at "the artist at work". By late afternoon, I was completley used to people stopping to watch me. I barley even took notice. At one point, I turned around to see a group of 5 people with their phones out, taking photos of me, and another couple staring and wispering to each other. It was a little bit weird.
It was not all bad though. A group of people stopped to ask me what I was doing, and after I explained the proccess of making stopmotions, they asked me what I did with videos. I explained AGyoutube to them, and they listened intently. They even asked me for my username. In fact, they are looking me up tonight. It is really exciting actually, to think that I made some new friends (and possibly some new fans) because I filmed in a public place where they were walking.
The whole experience was a little scary and awkward, but now I feel SO much more confident filming in public. I survived people taking a billion photos of me, asking me questions and staring at me. Now I feel like I can do anything.

For a sneak peek of the stopmotion:


  1. You are amazing Anna! You deserve alot more new fans!

  2. That is why everyone looks up to you!

  3. I would never be able to film in a public place. As it is I have to keep my doll room in a closet ( the house is about the same structure as Anna's house) and the closet is in the guest room at that! Anna you are so brave. Braver than I'll ever be.

  4. Wow Anna that's so brave! I was filming the other day at a park and some college kids asked me what I was doing. I told them about AGTube, and they were like, "Cute. How many followers do you have?" (they thought I had like 0) And I was like "200." And they were like, "Oh." xD

  5. Brave Anna! :) I feel like I wouldn't have the courage to film in public, I'm afraid to film in my front yard because of my neighbors! There are like 10 little kids on my block, (between the ages of 1-13) so they'd all be like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? CAN I SEE?" and disrupt me. XD Good for you sharing AGTube with adults! I'm afraid to share it with my grandma! I aught to be more daring and do what I do best. Most people wouldn't expect me to have over 1,230 subscribers! :D

  6. I guess those guys gave you some pretty good tips because that was the best stopmotion EVER

  7. Oh my gosh, Anna! That's amazing! U literally made me smile while I read through this whole blog post! U must have felt like a celebrity with all of those people taking pics of u! :D Haha, I love how people were so eager to film u and take pics of u! :D U r truly inspiring! I will never be nervous about filming in a place with other people again! I'm printing out this blog post and putting it on my bedroom wall! I luv u, Anna! :D This was definitely my fav blog post EVER! And, the fav thing 2 read EVER! :D Ur sooo awesome! :D

  8. ur so brave im new im TheAGdiva100 and i may post some vids soon hope u like them plz sub im going for 20 without making a vid wich means i luv making friends bye


  9. Wow! I don't think I could do something that bold. You are definitely going to have some people searching you today! Maybe some new Agyoutubers! Please please PLEASE check out my blog and my youtube channel. I am fairly new, just joined a couple weeks ago, and you are one of the people who inspire me to do AG videos, and to be bold. :)

  10. Haha, good for you! I have filmed in public before but only while I was on vacation. I knew the people wouldn't know me so I wasn't scared. But you were probably at risk of that. So I commend you, Anna! XD I'm so glad you didn't give up. The stop motion was the best I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of your videos! XD Great work and I'm glad you feel you can do anything! :D

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Wow Anna! You must've had fun telling people about 'the art of AGyoutube'. Were you scared someone might know you? You are amazing! I wouldn't have the strength to get up and do that with so many people watching! I'll be on youtube, looking for your newest stopmotion soon!!

  13. amazing! im on yotube with dols, nut most;y ;ittlest pet shop, check it out! im EmilyGTtv

  14. Your so inspiring and if someone laughed I would be like at least I'm living a life doing what I love not working at McDonald's like you lol :)

  15. That is so awesome you did that. A while ago I probably would be to scared to film in my backyard. Now I just say, i'll be the one laughing at you from my mansion in Hollywood when I make the next Coraline :P

    Lol, thats kinda awkward with them taking the pictures, you should have been like, "Talk to my agent!"

    lol, great job.

  16. I'm scared to film in my front yard! Sometimes, even the nebouirs look over the fence and when I turn around there like "umm...." lol

    1. Yeah, I usually just do videos in my backyard or in my room, lots of time when a neighbor comes out I like run inside and wait till they leave. Because one of my neighbors is a little "not so nice" girl who has 7 Barbie dolls and she is happy that she has more than me which I have 6 AG dolls and she always comes out and wants to play dolls with me when I film and always puts her barbies in my videos and I am like "UGH." Lol

  17. wow, that is amazingly brave. all those people who were filming you could be laughing at you right now. people can be such jerks. im not even brave enought to film anywhere other than my room. i wish i could be inspired by you but its just really worrisome to think that anyone could think that im playing with my doll when im a teenager. im even embarassed to talk about it to my parents, and whenever we go to an agp they seem really bored and dissapointed in me. your parents seem really supportive, they made you all that stuff for your dolls.... please dont pity me or anything. i just wish i had the bravery to go out and do something like this. i think i could make better-quality videos that way.


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